'National Prescription Drug Take Back Day' is this Saturday April 26th.
The Muskingum County Sheriffs Department as well as the DEA are working to help clean out medicine cabinets and dispose of prescription drugs properly. Unique to the Zanesville area, the Muskingum County Sheriff's office has partnered with ZMCHD, as well as Genesis Healthcare and Northside Pharmacy and will be offering a drive-thru where ALL DRUGS including needles and liquids are accepted.
"You never have to get out of your car, " said Sheriff Matt Lutz, Muskingum County Sheriff's Department. "You drive up, we have workers that will take the drugs from your window, some people will pop their trunk and we'll get the stuff out of the trunk. Genesis sets up a tent for us, we take it in, separate it, the labels are destroyed, it's really a great process and we have a lot of fun with it".
A convenient South end location is the Riesbecks Pick-n-Save on June Parkway. They are also offering a drug take back, but it is WALK IN to dispose of pill prescriptions ONLY. It is important to dispose of unused prescription drugs properly.
"If your kids get a hold of these prescription pills it could be very harmful to them, to their health," said Sheriff Lutz. "We get a lot of people that are breaking into homes, looking for these left over pills so they can feed their addictions or sell them on the street. We get a lot of theft cases from family members who go to their families, go into the bathroom, look at medicine cabinets and they'll take pills, they'll leave, it's very hard to prove those cases."
The drug take back at the Zanesville Muskingum County Health Department takes place from 10am to 2 pm. Illicit substances will not be accepted. The program is anonymous and personal information will be cut off containers and destroyed.
Drug take back day usually happens twice a year, in the Spring and the Fall. There is a permanent drug take back site at the jail on 4th street. Simply ring the buzzer and hand in your unwanted PILL prescriptions ONLY. NO ILLEGAL DRUGS.
Volunteers are needed for this event. To find out more information or to volunteer you can call 740-454-9741 or visit ZMCHD.org.
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