Appointed in 1989, he previously served as legal counsel to the conservancy district for 10 years. This morning he spoke about the district, outdoor recreation, as well as new fee cutbacks for private, commercial and industrial property owners.
"As a result of our stewardship of our natural resources, especially our oil and gas resources, the revenue that's been generated from the new leases has enabled us to cut the assessment on properties by fifty percent," said Hoopingarner.
As part of the watershed conservancy, Hoopingarner has also aided in overseeing the system of locks and dams in our region and flood control.
"There are 16 dams and reservoirs control flooding in the Muskingum watershed. Fourteen of those dams and reservoirs are specifically part of the Muskingm Watershed Conservancy District. In partnership of course with the core of engineers, the system has prevented millions and millions of dollars of flood damage in the Muskingum RIver Watershed and especially right here in Zanesville," said Hoopingarner.
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